
WSO2 Reduces Infra Cost and Improves Agility

This whitepaper explains how WSO2’s middleware platform significantly reduces infrastructure cost when compared with proprietary vendor offerings and/or terrestrial (non-cloud) platform topologies.


First things first

What we’ll cover in this whitepaper

This whitepaper explains how WSO2’s middleware platform significantly reduces infrastructure cost when compared with proprietary vendor offerings and/or terrestrial (non-cloud) platform topologies.

By adopting the WSO2 middleware platform, your team can reduce cost by 75%, and deliver a complete solution for 1/4 the total cost required when deploying proprietary vendor platforms.

By adopting a cloud-native multi-tenant deployment topology and offering middleware as a service, your team can reduce cost by 88%, and deliver a complete solution for 1/8 the total cost required when deploying proprietary terrestrial (non-cloud) solutions.

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