
DPA Sub-Processors 

List of Sub-Processors:

An IT cloud (hosting platform) provider is in principal considered to be a Data Processor, except for the (personal) data that could (hosting platform) provider itself has added to the platform and/or  any billing and traffic (personal) data.

Connext Platform:

Contact detailsChamber of CommerceComponents
Yenlo Cloud Services B.V.
Beechavenue 16
1119 PT Schiphol-Rijk
Alphen aan den Rijn, Nederland
The data processing is handled on Yenlo’s Connext Platform (on AWS) solution. Yenlo Cloud Services is a 100% sister legal entity of Yenlo  
Elasticsearch B.V.
Keizersgracht 281
1016 ED Amsterdam
Amsterdam Netherlands
Elasticsearch-technology (ELK-stack) is used to monitor and log the API’s and Integrations that are running on the Connext platform solution (on AWS).
WSO2 Inc
787 Castro Street, Mountain View,
CA 94041 Delaware U.S.A.
DelawareWSO2 open source technology integration platform to develop company technology, to integrate application program interfaces, applications and webservices, local or via internet.
Apache Software Foundation
(including Camel)
1000N West Street. Suite 1200 Wilmington,
DE 19801 U.S.A.  
Wakefield, Massachusetts, U.S.A.  Open source Apache license 2.0
For Customers located in Europe:
Amazon Webservices EMEA SARL,
Dutch Branch (AWS)
Mr. Treublaan 7,
1097 DP Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Connext Platform is hosted on AWS cloud services. For Customers located in Europe we use solely the AWS hosting datacenter located in within the EER. For Customers located in North American, we use the AWS hosting datacenter located in the US. AWS is only providing the services and do not implement or access the services used in Connext accounts. AWS meets all requirements and agreements set by the CISPE “code of conduct”, which guarantees the applicability of the GDPR. As part of these agreements, AWS has published a DPA that explicitly states how AWS handles the data processed by the platform services. AWS also carries (among others) the following applicable certifications in the field of cloud security and privacy assurance: ISO 270001 [3] ISO/IEC 27017:2015 [4] ISO/IEC 27018:2019 [5] These certifications are applicable to all services and regions used by Connext in which Connext uses data centers  

Connext GO:

Yenlo Cloud Service B.V. and/or Yenlo Business Solutions B.V. is in respect of the Connext GO itself (as opposed to the Customer Portal, BID koppeling and Migration) acting as Data Controller. Seen Customer has no access to the underlying Connext GO itself, Customer cannot be Data Controller for the Connext GO itself, except for the Customer Portal, the BID (koppeling) and/or Migration.

Connext GO is a solution on top-of the Connext Platform. All sub-processors and statements here above regarding Connext Platform are also applicable to Connext GO.

Contact detailsChamber of CommerceComponents
Yenlo Cloud Services B.V.
Beechavenue 16
1119 PT Schiphol-Rijk
Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands
The data processing is handled on Yenlo’s Connext Go cloud platform (on AWS) solution. Yenlo Cloud Services is a 100% sister legal entity of Yenlo   
Elasticsearch B.V.
Keizersgracht 281
1016 ED Amsterdam
Amsterdam Netherlands
Elasticsearch-technology (ELK-stack) is used to monitor and log the API’s and Integrations that are running on the Connext Go cloud solution (on AWS).
For Customers located in Europe: Amazon Webservices EMEA SARL,
Dutch Branch (AWS)
Mr. Treublaan 7,
1097 DP Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Connext GO cloud platform is hosted on AWS cloud services. For Customers located in Europe we use solely the AWS hosting datacenter located in Amsterdam. For Customers located in North American, we use the AWS hosting datacenter located in the US. AWS is only providing the services and do not implement or access the services used in Connext accounts. AWS meets all requirements and agreements set by the CISPE “code of conduct”, which guarantees the applicability of the GDPR. As part of these agreements, AWS has published a DPA that explicitly states how AWS handles the data processed by the platform services. AWS also carries (among others) the following applicable certifications in the field of cloud security and privacy assurance: ISO 270001 [3] ISO/IEC 27017:2015 [4] ISO/IEC 27018:2019 [5] These certifications are applicable to all services and regions used by Connext in which Connext uses data centers  
AFAS Software B.V.
Inspiratielaan 1
3663 AV Leusden
Leusden,       Netherlands
Yenlo is only responsible for the development, delivery configuration and provision of the agreed BID koppeling/AFAS Connectoren from and to  the AFAS Profit Platform (and sometimes also for the delivery of a Test and Acceptance surrounding).*  Upon Acceptance of the BID koppeling/AFAS Connectoren, is Yenlo decharged of any responsibility and liability whatsoever (including in respect of data processing).

The AFAS Profit Platform itself, including its functioning, data protection and licenses thereto, is out of scope  for (of the responsibility of )Yenlo. Last mentioned is a direct relation Customer- AFAS.
InterSystems B.V.
Papendorpseweg 100 (Regus Utrecht)
3528 BJ Utrecht
Utrecht Netherlands
IRIS platform*
Cerberus LLC
1310 N Courthouse Rd Suite 850,
VA 22201 U.S.A.
Arlington, VA, U.S.AFTP server*

* In principal has Subprocessor no access to any personal data on the platform/server itself (and is therewith in principal not a Data Processor), unless rare incidental exceptional cases (like sharing personal data via a Support request).

Subscriptions (re-sell via any entity of Yenlo like Yenlo Software Licensing Service BV)

Depending on the option that Customer has chosen as new License Agreement:  
WSO2 Inc.
787 Castro Street,
Mountain View,
CA 94041 Delaware U.S.A.
DelawareService Order License Agreement WSO2 subscriptions are Software and Services provided directly by WSO2 (as WSO product support) to Customer (outside Connext Platform and Connext GO)  in regard to WSO2 open source technology integration platform to develop company technology, to integrate application program interfaces, applications and webservices, local or via internet and/or Services thereupon,
Since this is a direct contract and contact relation Customer- WSO2, with Yenlo only assisting, the relation is more:
Customer (Data Controller)- WSO2(  Data Processor)- Yenlo SLS (Data Sub-processor)
Boomi Netherlands B.V.
Transformatorweg 38
1014 AK Amsterdam
As well Boomi EMEA HQ in Bracknell UK (being HQ Dell Europe)
82479666  Amsterdam, NetherlandsProvider of the BOOMI platform including connectors, additional modules and atoms; BOOMI on its turn uses AWS.
Mulesoft LLC, (Salesforce Affiliate),
San Francisco, California
San Francisco, California
Provider of the Mulesoft platform including connectors, additional modules and atoms; For the applicable data protection policy, see: Privacy Policy –
Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, 70 Sir Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2
Delivery of the Microsoft Azure platform and services. For the applicable data protection and security measures, see:
1. Juridische informatie Microsoft Azure | Microsoft Azure,
2. Licensing Documents (
3. Commercial Licensing Terms (

For Yenlo Integration Solutions B.V. and Yenlo BSS Solutions B.V. (Telbase):

Contact detailsChamber of CommerceComponents
Sentia Netherlands B.V. also acting under the trade name AMSIO,
Claude Debussylaan 96,
1082 MD Amsterdam
34124933 Amsterdam NetherlandsSentia provides IAAS services (Infrastructure As a Services)  by providing virtual servers for hosting  for Datacon and Telbase.  Sentia is a full-stack service provider of (hybride) cloud services, digital experience management and  application management. Sentia offers advice, professional-  and managed services to transform applications and IT-landscape, to manage and optimise from , to and in ‘any cloud’. As premium partner of Azure, AWS and Google Cloud, and possess its own private cloud. Sentia and its chosen partners all hold at least ISO27001 and their data centers also have the same certifications.
For Customers located in Europe:
Amazon Webservices EMEA SARL,
Dutch Branch (AWS),
Mr. Treublaan 7,
1097 DP Amsterdam Netherlands
Amsterdam, Netherlands
The platform is hosted on AWS cloud services. For Customers located in Europe we use solely the AWS hosting datacenter located in Amsterdam. For Customers located in North American, we use the AWS hosting datacenter located in the US.  AWS is only providing the services and do not implement or access the services used in accounts. AWS meets all requirements and agreements set by the CISPE “code of conduct”, which guarantees the applicability of the GDPR. As part of these agreements, AWS has published a DPA that explicitly states how AWS handles the data processed by the platform services. AWS also carries (among others) the following applicable certifications in the field of cloud security and privacy assurance: ISO 270001 [3] ISO/IEC 27017:2015 [4] ISO/IEC 27018:2019 [5] These certifications are applicable to all services and regions used data centers. 
Depending on the option that Customer in the past has chosen as existing License Agreement:  
Boomi Netherlands B.V., Transformatorweg 38, 1014 AK Amsterdam, Netherlands.
As well Boomi EMEA HQ in Bracknell UK (being HQ Dell Europe)
82479666  Amsterdam, NetherlandsProvider of the BOOMI platform including connectors, additional modules and atoms; BOOMI on its turn uses AWS.
Mulesoft LLC, (Salesforce Affiliate), San Francisco, California U.S.A.San Francisco, California
Provider of the Mulesoft platform including connectors, additional modules and atoms; For the applicable data protection policy, see: Privacy Policy –
Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited,
70 Sir Rogerson’s Quay,
Dublin 2
Delivery of the Microsoft Azure platform and services. For the applicable data protection and security measures, see:
1. Juridische informatie Microsoft Azure | Microsoft Azure,
2. Licensing Documents (
3. Commercial Licensing Terms (