
Cloud Expo 2023

Start date December 6th, 2023
End date December 7th, 2023
Location Expo, Houten, The Netherlands

Cloud Expo


The Cloud is part of today’s IT strategy, but what does this mean for your organization?

Discover the pros and cons of the Cloud during the Cloud Expo. What is the impact and how can you respond to the latest developments? In the Cloud Theaters there are various knowledge sessions during the day, will you visit Yenlo’s?

Corona control in the Cloud Experience how GGD GHOR has taken on the ICT fight against corona with the help of Yenlo.

6 December 13:30 – 14:00hrs Theatre 6
7 December 13:30 – 14:00hrs Theatre 6

In March 2020, the government announced the first general measures to combat the coronavirus, such as washing hands, sneezing into your elbow, and no longer shaking hands. In mid-March, the Netherlands will go into partial lockdown and restaurants, schools and childcare will close. At the same time, an emergency package of measures to protect jobs and incomes is announced.

GGD GHOR is the advocate for public health and safety in the Netherlands. When COVID-19 reached the Netherlands, it was up to them to prepare and organize everything related to the virus and its control. For example, vaccination and testing locations had to be set up in record time, but also the registration and disclosure of test results, recovery and vaccination certificates.

Was GGD GHOR ready for this in terms of ICT? And with such enormous time pressure? What role did the Cloud play? In what area has Yenlo supported GGD GHOR? Answers to these and other questions will all be discussed during the duo presentation and in this webinar.

Marcel Mourik on behalf of Yenlo and Han van der Lek on behalf of GGD GHOR will take you through the story during this duo presentation.

2 Days of inspiration and innovation during Cloud Expo in Houten!
Register as a visitor now!
