Utrecht University: A state of the art integration platform for an ambitious university
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Originally founded in 1636, Utrecht University has been a game changer for centuries. Well known for its groundbreaking research and education, the university is constantly evolving and looking for new ways to make the world we live in a better place. With over 30.000 students and more than 6.500 staff members, Utrecht University understands the importance of large scale data management and the need for a state of the art integration platform like Connext.
With teaching and research strongly connected, Utrecht University works together in tight communities and with a strong believe in diversity. All this provides a solid base from which the university works with others around the globe on the societal issues of the future.
The challenge
An institution as large as Utrecht University needs a wide variety of applications, platforms and IT-solutions to keep everything running smoothly from day to day. With the needs, requirements and expectations for each and every single application, platform and piece of software that changes every year, the IT landscape of such a large-scale organization can easily turn into an ill-fitting nightmare. After years of developing different applications and platforms for both students and staff members, each with their own requirements, programming language and accessibility, it became clear that in order to create a more convenient IT experience for both students and staff members, there was a dire need for better integration and communication between platforms and applications.
“Thanks to Connext we now have a much more convenient IT landscape, in which thousands of students and staff members can use easily accessible data, tools and automated processes.”