The 5th Annual European Payments Forum in Amsterdam is a platform to learn and discuss payment related matters and gain experience from experts within the banking industry. The event will cover topics as PSD2, FinTech & Technological (R)evolutions and the impact on the traditional banking landscape.
Learn about:
- The effects of the current and future regulations on the banking ecosystem
- Banks’ Security First Aid and how stakeholders of the industry are collaborating to fight the threats and roll back cyber-attacks
- Case studies of success and failures investing into Bitcoin
- The impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on the payments landscape
- What is needed for a successful Bank vs. FinTech cooperation
- How the Open APIs will transform the payments sector
Yenlo is sponsor of the event. Meet us at our booth, let’s discuss your challenges and what we can do for you.
See you in Amsterdam on 01-02 of March, 2018! Click here to visit the event page.