WSO2 Enterprise Integrator 1 min

New program language announced by WSO2: Ballerina

RZW pasfoto 2020
Ruben van der Zwan
CEO & Founder
wso2 announcement

San Francisco, 20 February 2017. During the WSO2 conference USA 2017, where Yenlo as premier partner of WSO2 is one of the silver sponsors, WSO2 announced a new innovative programming language Ballerina. Flexible, Powerful and Beautiful. This new program language will make it easy to create Integrations (on your ESB) by drawings. Read all about this announcement in this post.


Announcement WSO2 Ballerina In 2017, WSO2 will launch the new programming language Ballerina. This new language will let you create integrations on your Enterprise Service Bus by drawing (sequence) diagrams only. Ballerina is not a DSL but a full PL that provides first class support to connectors, JSON and XML formats, and many more. Besides you can add data mapping inside the diagrams as well so the mapping and CDM modelling is made easy for you.

Ballerina has got deep alignment with open standards like HTTP, REST and Swagger to make your live easier. There will be connectors for Web API’s and non-HTTP API’s. If you think you must learn a complete new PL, no worries, Ballerina is derived from a few key existing language concepts like Java. Some of the concepts:

WSO2 Ballerina concepts

Ballerina will have some nice tooling like a visual sequence diagramming tool, a graphical data mapper, a visual Swagger Editor, plugins for IDE like Idea and Atom and finally a mockup tool. But above all, a store where you will find all available connectors to source- and targetsystems at the ease of your fingertips.

This new programming language will help us and you better to speed up in a graphical way to enter the digital world of today and tomorrow. It is all part of our Digital Transformation journey. 

The Digital Transformation

The Digital Technology is driving companies towards three key elements:

  • Adding digital components to their products, and the products become completely digital products;
  • Engaging with customers through new digital experiences;
  • Enhancing digital operations for monitoring, control and intelligence.

By that companies need:

  • Sustained capacity for business creativity and digital innovation;
  • Rapid and iterative development processes;
  • technology platform supporting creative and development processes. 

Read here all announcements made during the WSO2Con US 2017. And of course read all about how you can Go Digital in our brand new white paper: Go Digital!

