The setup is going to be simple. With vagrant, we create a Virtualbox environment with WSO2 EI and use Developer Studio / Eclipse to connect to that running environment.
In order to keep this blog shortish, I will not describe the installation of both products, you can find information on installing and using vagrant here. To download Developer Studio please go to the site of WSO2. Select the tooling for your operating system and install according to the instructions.
Our definition will be as short and sweet as possible, using the Vagrantfile for configuration of the virtualbox as well as provisioning of that file. You can download the Vagrantfile from our Yenlo Bitbucket.
We will try and keep the instructions for creation flexible and short
Create a directory called DISPEI, for instance on the desktop where you want to create your Vagrantfile.
md (or mkdir) dispei
cd dispei
vagrant init
The last command creates the Vagrantfile needed to setup the environment. In this setup, we actually use the centos/7 box. This needs to be added to Vagrant with the command
vagrant box add
this allows us to use the centos/7 box, a minimal installation of centos 7, as the base for our environment.
After running this command, it asks which image to download (provider). The choices are: hyperv, libvirt, virtualbox, vmware_desktop. We choose “virtualbox”. Note that this command is not really necessary. If you just add “centos/7” to the vagrant file and say “vagrant up” it will automatically download the base box for you.
Check if centos/7 is available
vagrant box list
You will see something like this:
centos/7 (virtualbox, 1801.02)
The actual version number will be different, the 1801.02 version is already a bit older.
Creating the vagrant file
We will delete all of the text in the Vagrant file and replace it with this text. I’ve included the comments as explanation in the file, rather than describing them in lines below the file.
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "centos/7"
config.vm.define "YENLO" do |yenlo|
yenlo.vm.hostname = "Disposable.EI"
yenlo.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| = "Disposable WSO2 EI"
vb.memory = "4096"
vb.cpus = "2"
end "private_network", ip: ""
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
#download wget to download Java and WSO2 EI
sudo yum install -y wget
#needed because we need to unzip WSO2 EI
sudo yum install -y unzip
#downloading the WSO2 EI 6.1.1 from WSO2 repository circumventing the required credentials
sudo wget --user-agent="testuser" --referer=""
#downloading Java from Oracle repository circumventing the required optin
sudo wget --no-check-certificate -c --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"
# create the directory for Java to be installed
sudo mkdir /usr/java
#untar java in the right directory
sudo tar -xzf jdk-8u161-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /usr/java
# add JAVA_HOME and extend the PATH to include the java installation
sudo sh -c "echo export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_161 >> /etc/environment"
sudo sh -c "echo export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_161/bin >> /etc/environment"
#create the directory for wso2
sudo mkdir /opt/wso2
#unzip wso2ei to the directory
sudo unzip -d /opt/wso2
#copy any CAR files (packaged artifacts) to the deployment directory, so they will be hot deployed (in this case at startup)
#sudo cp /vagrant/*.car /opt/wso2/wso2ei-6.1.1/repository/deployment/server/carbonapps
#start the WSO2 Enterprise Integrator in the background
sudo sh /opt/wso2/wso2ei-6.1.1/bin/ start
This is a regular script that results in a up and running WSO2 Enterprise Integrator. The special case we included is that we take any CAR files (files that are used to deploy artifacts to the Enterprise Integrator) and copy that file from the shared host vagrant directory to the same directory on the newly created virtual machine. From there we actually copy the file(s) directly to the deployment directory. If there are no car files it will stop the provisioning, that is why I uncommented it.
We start the setup with vagrant up
within the directory where we created the Vagrantfile
After startup, we can check the VM. First go to the command line with:
vagrant ssh
Because we run in the background we do not see the log files, so let’s take a look at them. Use tail -f to have a window on the logs.
tail -f /opt/wso2/wso2ei-6.1.1/repository/logs/wso2carbon.log
For this blog, we added a task in the CAR file that will actually put a message on the console.
But is Enterprise Integrator running? We open our browser and actually access the URL of the management console. Since we use a private network IP address we enter:
Connecting to Developer Studio
So, we have a WSO2 EI running in virtual box. Now we need to connect to that server in Developer Studio / Eclipse. We start Eclipse and on the server tab create a remote server
We click Next and go to the next tab. We enter the Server URL and test the connection.
To test this, I am adding a CAR file (registrycar) to the server and deploy that. In my original setup, I created a simple CAR file (HCAR) and added that to the vagrant directory where it was deployed to the carbonapps directory and therefor it is visible in the screenshot below.
The log shows the artifacts being deployed and, since one of them is a task, output coming to the console.
So, we have a setup where we can deploy an WSO2 EI to quickly try something out. Getting rid of the whole environment is as simple as vagrant destroy
C:vagrantyenlo>vagrant destroy
YENLO: Are you sure you want to destroy the 'YENLO' VM? [y/N] y
==> YENLO: Forcing shutdown of VM...
==> YENLO: Destroying VM and associated drives...
This will completely remove the environment, including the virtual box environment.
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