WSO2 Enterprise Integrator 10 min

File Transfers in WSO2 ESB VFS Transport: WSO2TORIAL Part 1

Rob Blaauboer
Rob Blaauboer
Integration Consultant & WSO2 Trainer
Moving files with WSO2 ESB VFS transport

One of the lesser documented transports in the WSO2 ESB is the VFS (Virtual Files System) transport. This Axis2 transport allows you to move files from one location to another. But how do we use it? In this WSO2 Tutorial we will look into the WSO2 ESB VFS system and will move 10000 files from location A to Location B.

Tweedledum, Tweedledee and Axis2

The fictional characters of Tweedledum and Tweedledee here in a picture from Through the Looking Glass are strangely relevant for the VFS transport. The axis2 transports come in pairs, a sender and receiver. So, if you want to use both you need to uncomment the two transports in axis2.

Moving files with WSO2 ESB VFS transport .png

The file can be found at [ESB-HOME]/repository/conf/axis2/axis2.xml

The [ESB-HOME] refers to the fully qualified path to the installed version of the ESB.

Remove the <!—and –> to enable the Receiver and Listener. Contrary to other transports there are no other parameters to be defined. The receiver looks like this:

transport receiver.png

And the sender like this.

transport sender.png

Restart the ESB since transports are only loaded at start, not when they are changed on the fly.

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Defining the VFS

The parameters for VFS are defined not in the axis2 file but when you use them in a proxy for instance. This table below is taken from the documentation where we edited some of the descriptions to make it more readable. Please see the documentation for the complete table. The parameters in red are used in this lab

Parameter NameDescriptionRequiredPossible Value (default in BOLD) 
The URI where the files you want to process are located.



YesA valid file URI in the following form:
file://<path> (other prefixes like SFTP and SMB are also possible)
Content type of the files processed by the transport. To specify the encoding, follow the content type with a semi-colon and the character set.



YesA valid content type for the files (e.g., text/xml). You can specify the encoding after the content type, such as text/plain;charset=UTF-32 
If the VFS listener should process only a subset of the files available at the specified file URI location, use this parameter to select those files by name using a regular expression.NoA regular expression to select files by name (e.g., *.xml)
The polling interval for the transport receiver to poll the file URI location. The value is expressed in seconds unless you add “ms” for milliseconds, e.g., “2” or “2000ms” to specify 2 seconds.NoA positive integer.
Whether to move, delete or take no action on the files after the transport has processed them.NoMOVE, DELETE or NONE
Whether to move, delete or take no action on the files if a failure occurs.NoMOVE, DELETE or NONE
Where to move the files after processing if ActionAfterProcess is MOVE.Yes, if
A valid file URI
Where to move the files after processing if ActionAfterFailure is MOVE.Yes, if
A valid file URI
The location where reply files should be written by the transport.NoA valid file URI
The name for reply files written by the transport.NoA valid file name (response.xml)
The pattern/format of the timestamps added to file names as prefixes when moving files.NoA valid timestamp pattern
(e.g., yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSZ )
Whether files should be transferred in streaming mode, which is useful when transferring large filesNotrue or false
Reconnect timeout value in seconds to be used in case of an error when transferring filesNoA positive integer (30 sec)
Maximum number of retry attempts to carry out in case of errors.NoA positive integer (3)
transport.vfs.AppendWhen writing the response to a file, whether the response should be appended to the response file instead of overwriting the file.



Notrue or false (the response file will be completely overwritten).
Where to move the failed file.NoA valid file URI
The name of the file that maintains
the list of failed files.
NoA valid file name vfs-move-failed-records.
Where to store the failed records file.NoA folder URI (repository/conf/)
Entries in the failed records file include the name of the file that failed and the timestamp of its failure. This property configures the time stamp format.NoA valid timestamp pattern
(dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss)
The time in milliseconds to wait before retrying the move task.NoA positive integer 3000 milliseconds
transport.vfs.LockingBy default, file locking is enabled in the VFS transport. This parameter lets you configure the locking behavior on a per service basis. You can also disable locking globally by specifying the parameter at the receiver level and selectively enable locking only for a set of services.Noenable or disable
This setting allows you to throttle the VFS listener by processing files in batches. Specify the number of files you want to process in each batch.NoA positive integer, such as 10
The interval in milliseconds between two file processes.NoA positive integer, such as 1000
transport.vfs.ClusterAwareWhether VFS coordination support is enabled in a clustered deployment or not.Notrue or false
transport.vfs.FileSizeLimitOnly file sizes that are less than the defined limit will be processed. NoFile size in bytes 1(unlimited file size)
transport.vfs.AutoLockReleaseIntervalThe timeout value for stale locks where the VFS transport will ignore those file locks once the defined time period is reached



NoTime in milliseconds (20000)
transport.vfs.SFTPIdentitiesLocation of the private keyNoA valid file path
transport.vfs.SFTPIdentityPassPhrasePassphrase of the private keyNoA valid passphrase
transport.vfs.SFTPUserDirIsRootIf the SFTP user directory should be treated as rootNotrue or false

Need files?

With so many parameters, where does one start?

Well, let’s establish what we want to do. We would like to move 10000 files from location A to B. Why 10.000? Simply because we can and we would like to show how much time it will take. Step by step we will add additional restrictions on the files, e.g. filename and filesize.

But where do we find 10.000 files? The windows fsutil will create them for you. This simple loop creates 10000 files with the name VFS_TEST_[number].dat

For /L %i in (1,1,10000) do fsutil file createnew VFS_TEST_%i.dat 32483

It will approximately take two minutes to do so.

For the purpose of this blog we will create the files in the directory C:WSO2ESBVFSINPUT directory.

The commands are for windows :

For /L %i in (1,1,10000) do fsutil file createnew VFS_TEST_%i.dat 32483

For Linux  you can use this script. (with thanks to my colleague Rob Brouwers)

#! /bin/bash
for n in {1..10000}; do

   dd if=/dev/zero of=input/VFS_TEST_$( printf %03d "$n" ).dat bs=1024 count=30

Now you have the files in the right location. These files are completely empty of course but for the purpose of this blog quite suitable!

Creating a proxy

So how do we instruct the ESB to move the files?

We create a simple proxy with IN-, OUT- and FAULT Sequence.

simple proxy IN OUT FAULT Sequence.png

We have a log mediator and a clone mediator that will send the file to the sequence that will write a file that indicates the file is processed. Please observe that the parameters are outside the <target/> tags and are not visible in the proxy. That is because parameters are not mediators

These parameters are self-explanatory to a large extend by the name of the parameter and the associated value.

In short: we will move files that have a .dat extension from C:/WSO2/ESB/VFS/INPUT to C:/WSO2/ESB/VFS/ORIGINAL. You see that I do not mention the ContentType and PollInterval. These are also important to describe the interval for polling and the ContentType of the file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<proxy name="FileProxy" startOnLoad="true" transports="vfs" xmlns="">
   <parameter name="transport.PollInterval">15</parameter>
   <parameter name="transport.vfs.FileURI">file:///C:/WSO2/ESB/VFS/INPUT/</parameter>
   <parameter name="transport.vfs.ContentType">text/plain</parameter>
   <parameter name="transport.vfs.ActionAfterProcess">MOVE</parameter>
   <parameter name="transport.vfs.MoveAfterFailure">file:///C:/WSO2/ESB/VFS/FAILURE/</parameter>
   <parameter name="transport.vfs.ActionAfterFailure">MOVE</parameter>
   <parameter name="transport.vfs.FileNamePattern">.*.dat</parameter>
   <parameter name="transport.vfs.MoveAfterProcess">file:///C:/WSO2/ESB/VFS/ORIGINAL/</parameter>
      <log level="custom">
          <property name="sequence" value="Proxy"/>
          <target sequence="fileWriteSequence"/>


For each file we pick up we will write a file to the C:/WSO2/ESB/VFS/OUTPUT directory using a separate sequence. This sequence looks like this:

Sequence - moving files with WSO2 ESB VFS.png

We log to the console that we hit this sequence and set each time the unique ReplyFileName from a concatenated MessageID and the UUID with a .txt suffix and send it to the FileEpr endpoint. We set the OUT_ONLY property that we do not expect a message back.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sequence name="fileWriteSequence" trace="disable" xmlns="">
   <log level="custom">
       <property name="sequence" value="fileWriteSequence"/>
   <property expression="fn:concat(fn:substring-after(get-property('MessageID'), 'urn:uuid:'), '.txt')" name="transport.vfs.ReplyFileName" scope="transport" type="STRING" xmlns_ns2="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd"/>
   <property name="OUT_ONLY" scope="default" type="STRING" value="true"/>
       <endpoint name="FileEpr">
           <address uri="vfs:file:///c:/WSO2/ESB/VFS/OUTPUT/"/>       </endpoint>

We need to create two more directories in order to make it work. These are the windows commands:


This is of course a command line command in windows.

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Testing the setup

Let’s give it a spin. We create a C-App and CAR file from the two artifacts we just created and deploy them to the server. We will not show this process here to make the article not too long.

However, we want to look if the CAR is deployed and the proxy and sequence are on the ESB:

proxy service on ESB - moving files with wso2 esb vfs.png

And the sequence

sequence Moving files with WSO2 ESB VFS.png

In order to get a good overview, I am going to stop the ESB. Since when you activate the proxy it will immediately start processing files. I am creating the 10.0000 files as described earlier.

10.000 files - Moving files with WSO2 ESB VFS transport.png

I am now starting the ESB and immediately starts picking up.

picking up files ESB -Moving files with WSO2 ESB VFS transport.png

But in original we find all of our files.

original - Moving files with WSO2 ESB VFS transport.png

And in output the files we wrote there.

output files-Moving files with WSO2 ESB VFS transport.png

On the console we find the log mediators, 10.000 x fileWriteSequence and 10.000 x Proxy.

log mediators 10.000 Moving files with WSO2 ESB VFS transport.png.png

This is of course a very simple setup of a VFS transport, just moving it. In the next blog we will extend the functionality and see how we can do something with the content of such a file.

If you have any questions about this blogpost contact us via the comments section of this blog. View also our WSO2 Tutorials, webinars or white papers for more technical information. Need support? We do deliver WSO2 Product Support, WSO2 Development Support, WSO2 Operational Support and WSO2 Training Programs.

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